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Email digest notifications

Enable email digest notifications to send users a daily or weekly summary of their open tasks.

Send digest emails

ConductorOne can automatically send notifications to all the users at your company who have open tasks. Each user’s open work is summarized in a digest email, which can be set to a daily or weekly cadence.

To enable email digest notifications for all ConductorOne users at your company:

  1. In the ConductorOne navigation panel, open Admin and click Settings.

  2. In the Notifications area of the page click Edit.

  3. Set the Email digest toggle to Yes, send email digest.

  4. Choose the email digest frequency. You can send email digests every weekday, or weekly on Tuesdays. In either case, the emails will be sent between 9AM and 10AM Pacific time.

  5. Click Save.

Any user who has at least one open task will now receive a digest at the email address associated with their ConductorOne user.