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Configure resource details

View and configure key details about a resource on the resource's details page.

A resource’s details page provides an overview of the resource’s configuration and the entitlements it contains.

You can reach a resource’s details page by clicking the resource name on the Groups, Roles, or Resources tabs of an application’s details page.

The resource details page for the repository resource in GitHub.

An application’s credential resource gets special treatment. The credential resource contains the access entitlement. In other words, a user must be granted this entitlement to get access to the application itself. Because it’s so fundamental, ConductorOne treats it a little differently than other resources and doesn’t list it on the Resources tab. Instead, reach the credential resource details page via the Manage access to banner at the top of the application’s details page.

Rename the resource

The names of resources in the software integrated with ConductorOne are pulled in by the connector. If you need to change the resource’s’s name as it appears everywhere in ConductorOne, you can do so. This is especially helpful when you need to provide context about which resource your colleagues should choose when requesting access or setting up an access review campaign.

  1. In the navigation panel, open Apps and click Applications.

  2. Navigate to a resource:

    • Click the application’s name
    • Click the Groups, Roles, or Resources tab
    • Locate the resource you want and click its name
  3. On the resource’s details page, click the resource name. The name becomes a text field.

  4. Edit the name, then press Return on your keyboard or click outside the text field to save your change.

The resource’s name is now updated throughout ConductorOne.

Set a resource owner

Set one or more owners for the resource. Setting resource owners is optional.

  1. In the navigation panel, open Apps and click Applications.

  2. Navigate to a resource:

    • Click the application’s name
    • Click the Groups, Roles, or Resources tab
    • Locate the resource you want and click its name
  3. In the Resource section of the page, click Edit.

  4. Use the Owner dropdown to select one or more owners for the entitlement.

  5. Click Save.

The resource owners are now set, and you can update them at any time.

Change the resource’s description

Resource descriptions are shown in the Request access form when a user is choosing which resource to request. Adding a custom resource description can help users find the correct resource for their needs, or provide context about the resource options they can select from.

On the left, the resource details screen showing an edited resource description. On the right, the request access screen showing the edited description in the resource selection dropdown.
  1. In the navigation panel, open Apps and click Applications.

  2. Navigate to a resource:

    • Click the application’s name
    • Click the Groups, Roles, or Resources tab
    • Locate the resource you want and click its name
  3. In the Resource section of the page, click Edit.

  4. Enter a new description in the Description field.

  5. Click Save.

The resource’s description is now updated throughout ConductorOne.

View all the accounts that have access to the resource

View a list of all the accounts that have access to a certain resource by clicking on the Grants tab on the resource’s details page.

The Grants tab of a resource showing the three accounts that have access to the repository resource in GitHub.

Revoke access to resource entitlements from the grants page

You can revoke an account’s access to a specific entitlement on the resource from the Grants tab.

A user with the Super Admin role in ConductorOne, the application owner, the entitlement owner, or the direct manager of the account owner can perform this task. Anyone who does not have the Super Admin role or one of these relationships with the account will see an error if they attempt to revoke access this way.

  1. In the navigation panel, open Apps and click Applications.

  2. Navigate to a resource:

    • Click the application’s name
    • Click the Groups, Roles, or Resources tab
    • Locate the resource you want and click its name
  3. Click Grants to view the accounts that currently have access to this resource.

  4. To remove the account’s access to an entitlement on the resource, click Revoke.

    Will the access be removed immediately? Maybe. Depending on the revocation policy governing the entitlement, the revocation might require review and approval before the entitlement is removed from the account.

  1. In the modal that opens, select the level of access (entitlement) that you want to remove from the account.

  2. Enter your reason for revoking the access and click Revoke.

The revocation task is created. Once any required review and approval steps have been completed, the access will be removed from the account.