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Import data for an application

ConductorOne supports importing data from customer, home-grown, or non-natively supported applications using a CSV or Excel file upload.

Prepare data for import

Many companies use home-grown or custom software not natively supported by ConductorOne connectors. You can import the key data from this software, then use ConductorOne to conduct access reviews and manage permissions.

Accepted data formats

ConductorOne accepts custom CSV files, our templates (linked below), and custom Excel spreadsheets.

Excel format is required. Your custom spreadsheet must be in the .xlsx format. Other spreadsheet file formats will not upload successfully.

Identity-focused template

Click here to download this template if your data is organized by user name.

Entitlement-focused template

Click here to download this template if your data is organized by entitlement type.

What data should I include?

When constructing your spreadsheet or CSV file, include as much data on users, resources, entitlements, and grants as possible.

To successfully upload account information you must either include a data value called “User ID” in your file or map a data value in your source file to the User ID ConductorOne data value after upload. We suggest using the email address associated with the account as the User ID; the account’s username also works well.

Designate service and system accounts in your file

Follow this process to designate service accounts and system accounts in your file and associate these special accounts with the human user responsible for each one.

  1. Add a column titled User Type and a column titled Account Owner to your file.

    Make sure to use these exact column titles so ConductorOne understands how to process the data.

  2. In the User Type column, use Service and System to designate these special account types. Any account that is not specifically designated will be interpreted as a user account.

  3. In the Account Owner column, add the email address for the human user responsible for each service or system account.

  4. Upload the file, following the instructions in Manage data imports.

  5. Once the upload is complete, navigate to the application you’ve uploaded the file to and click Accounts. The account type and account owner information you uploaded is shown in the table.

Why is this process necessary? Options for mapping account type and account owner information to the column names of your choice have not yet been added to the Set mappings page. We’re planning to make this change soon. In the meantime, use the exact column headers User Type and Account Owner in your spreadsheet so ConductorOne can correctly understand and process the information.

Manage data imports

Upload and manage application data in ConductorOne on the application’s Data sources tab.

Import new data

To add new data to your ConductorOne application:

  1. Navigate to an application and click Data sources.

  2. Click Import app data and choose your import method:

    • From file: Upload your spreadsheet or CSV file.
    • From data source: Select your data source (see Integrate with an AWS S3 bucket for more on integrating a data storage source for use with ConductorOne) and enter the name of your file, then click Import.

You can upload data to any application, even if the application also has a connector. This allows you to support all entitlements for an app, even if an connector does not support the capability natively.

Update uploaded data

When you have a new version of a previously uploaded spreadsheet, update the uploaded data by replacing the old spreadsheet with your new version.

  1. On an existing file, click the actions menu at the far right of the screen and select Update file.

  2. Upload your new spreadsheet or CSV file.

Data aggregation

Each file row is treated as an AND. This allows you to manage entitlements in multiple files, or to have a users file, a separate grants file, and so on. This means that when you upload a new file, the existing data is not overridden.

To review the detected delta between files, click View logs.

Change mappings for custom spreadsheets

When you upload a custom spreadsheet, the data values in your file might not automatically be matched with the values ConductorOne uses. For example, a data file that includes a column titled “Last” for the users’ last names might not automatically be understood by ConductorOne, which expects the data in that column to be titled “Last Name.”

To ensure that the data in your spreadsheet maps accurately into ConductorOne’s system, map your spreadsheet’s values to those used by ConductorOne.

  1. Once you have uploaded your spreadsheet, click Set mappings.

  2. In the Set data value mappings drawer, choose the data values from your source file that align with the data values used by ConductorOne.

    Mapping a source file value to each ConductorOne value is not required: you can leave values that do not apply to your source file’s data unmapped. However, any values in the source file that are not mapped to a ConductorOne data value will not be imported.

  3. Once you’ve mapped the data values, click Set mappings to save them.

When you set the mappings, ConductorOne automatically processes the data with the changed mappings. You can see the output of the changes by viewing the logs.