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Duplicate a past campaign

Instead of recreating a campaign from scratch, save time and effort by duplicating a past campaign and tailoring it to your current needs.

Step 1: Create a duplicate campaign

Only users with the Campaign Administrator or Super Administrator user role in ConductorOne can create and manage campaigns. See User roles for more information.

  1. In the navigation panel, click Campaigns.

  2. Locate and click on the name of the campaign that you want to duplicate.

  3. From the more actions (…) menu, select Duplicate.

  4. Review the campaign’s details and update the information as necessary:

    • Campaign name: The campaign’s name, which will be displayed to reviewers and shown in the campaign list view.

    • Description: The description of what this campaign entails and any directions you want to deliver to reviewers.

    • Campaign owners: The campaign’s owner, who will manage creating the campaign and the access review tasks within the campaign.You can set more than one campaign owner, just be sure anyone you add has the Campaign Administrator or Super Administrator role in ConductorOne.

    • Target completion date: The scheduled end date for the campaign.

    • Review policy: The campaign’s default review policy. You’ll be able to review and change the policy to be used for the review of individual resources later in the campaign creation process.

  5. Click Continue.

Step 2: Fine-tune and validate your duplicate campaign

  1. On the Configuration tab, review and make any edits needed to the campaign’s details.

    • If you’d like to use a Slack channel for communication about this campaign, click Add to Slack Channel. See Create a campaign Slack channel for more information.
  2. On the Scope tab, make further adjustments to the scope of your campaign:

    • Set campaign parameters: See Scope a campaign for information on using parameters to fine-tune the scope of the campaign.

    • Review resource selections: Click Edit resource selection to adjust your campaign selections. Alternatively, click the red minus (-) button to remove a resource from the list of selected resources.

    • Adjust entitlements and their policies: Click Edit scope on a resource to make changes to the entitlements in scope or the entitlement policies, if needed. Use the checkboxes to remove entitlements from the campaign, as needed, and click Change policy to update the review policy to be used for an entitlement.

  3. If needed, reset policies to apply current policy defaults. If you’ve made changes to the review policies that govern entitlements in the campaign and want to apply the current policies, click the more actions ( … ) menu and select Reset policies. Resetting recreates all campaign selections so that each uses the policy inherited from (in order of precedence) the entitlement’s configuration, the application’s configuration, or the campaign’s configuration.

    Why aren’t all the entitlements showing the policy I selected for this campaign? Entitlements inherit their policies from (in order of precedence):

    1. The entitlement’s configuration
    2. The application’s configuration
    3. The campaign’s configuration

    So if a policy is set on the entitlement or the application, those selections will overrule the policy you set for the campaign. But any changes you make on the Edit scope screen overrule all inherited configuration.

  1. Click Validate scope to see a preview of the access reviews that will be included in the campaign. Continue to edit and validate until you’re satisfied. Be aware that you won’t be able to make further changes to the resources under review, parameters, or policies once you move on to the next step.

Step 4: Prepare the campaign

  1. When you’re ready, click Prepare campaign. Preparing a campaign generates the individual access review tasks, but does not launch the campaign. Please be patient: depending on the size of the campaign, preparing it might take several minutes.

  2. Review the draft campaign’s details. If necessary, make additional changes on the Configuration tab.

Step 5: Start the campaign

  1. When you’re ready, click Start campaign. Select whether ConductorOne should send out campaign kickoff notifications to the users who are assigned the access reviews in the campaign.

  2. Click Start campaign. Again, depending on the size of the campaign, starting it might take several minutes.

That’s it! Your duplicated access review campaign is underway.

What’s next?

Check out Administer an active campaign to learn more about what to expect as your campaign progresses, how to end the campaign, and how to generate campaign reports.